dailymile has been my favorite place to log my training for the last three years. It is basically a two man team with interns that have grown the site to its present level. Pretty amazing job by Ben Weiner and Kelly Korevec. To continue the growth of the site and it’s capabilities the dailymile is now offering a PRO account. You do not have to move your account to PRO to continue using dailymile the way you have up until now.
Check out the new features available to PRO account members.
Need more convincing that the PRO account is a good direction for dailymile? Runblogger has some “thoughts”
Dailymile blog has chimed in too read what they have to say.
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I like the idea behind this, but I really think the price is way too steep for what I would perceive the added value of the benefits to be. Just saying.
I actually think it is a fair price. They are just getting started with the PRO benefits. Also, we will see less site crashes with money going towards hardware and development. I would much rather have the option and avoid advertisements all over the site. Map My Run is a horrible user experience for example. If you don’t think it is a value yet, keep your regular account. I am sure we will get update notifications. When you see something you want to enhance your dm experience, then make the move.